The Honey Bee paper contains a great deal of information about honeybees and the way in which a hive operates. By no means does it cover all of the information available about this most fascinating member of the insect family. Much of what is provided here is for the information of the classroom teacher. You can decide what parts you wish to include in your study of the honeybee with your students.
As a follow-up to your classroom activities, a field trip to an actual apiary with your students, is highly recommended. The Bee Space program at your Kortright Centre for conservation is excellent. View more activities for the classroom.
Download a print the Honey Bingo Template for your students. Have the students put words associated with honeybees in the vacant spaces. You can use the ones supplied here or make up your own. In one container put the letters H.O.N.E.Y. and in another container put the words used to fill in the chart. Draw out one of the HONEY letters and one of the words and read them out to the class. For example, if the letter O and the word Drone were drawn, you would announce "under the O, Drone". Students would cross off the word Drone on their chart, only if they had it in column O. Return the letter and word to their respective containers and draw again. Continue in this manner until someone has crossed off a complete vertical, horizontal or diagonal row. When this happens the student yells out "HONEY". They are the winner. The space in the middle is a free space for everyone.
Honeybees are called "social insects" because they live in a society that depends upon co-operation of all of the individuals living in the hive. Humans live in a social society as well.
Honeybees are called social insects because different members of the colony have special jobs which help the entire colony. List some of your chores which help your family;
Honeybees are important agents in the pollination of flowering plants which is necessary if that plant is to produce a fruit or seeds.
Honeybees communicate in a very complex way. The distance and direction of a source of pollen or nectar is communicated to other workers through special dances. We communicate in a variety of ways such as talking, writing, drawing, body language, facial expressions.
dancing | honeybee | worker | queen |
drone | pollination | hive | fruit |
apple | sting | honeycomb | pollen |
flower | wings | nectar | wax |
seed | extractor | pupa | pollen basket |
Visit additional sites that host educational material on honey and honey production.